The capital city of Greece. Population is estimated to be around 5 milj. Lots of traffic. The city is full of famous monuments. Western civilization started from Athena. Athena have hotels almost everywhere you go.
Now many people travel to Greece becose of their economical problems. They buy stuff that is now cheap there. Nice climate, historical place and cheap prices. What would be better? I respect their history and know also their famous cooking skills. Their food is delicious.
Downtown Athens is a shoppers paradise. It is full of every kind of shops you can imagine. Visit Plaka and Monastiraki. Those two are very well known by tourists becose of their variety of tourist shops. Central Athene is a shoppers paradise. Traffic is almost closed so you can just walk and do your shopping. When you see all that stuff you just wonder why our choices at home are so limited.
Visit also historical sites like: Temple of Olympian Zeus, Temple of Athena Nike, Acropolis and Parthenon.
Enjoy good food, sun, mediterranean climate, music and cheap prices (becose of their economy).
Same thing was happening in Italy.