There are now over 7 billion (counted october 31, 2011) people. Gross of those live without good food resources, clean water or healthcare. Population is increasing by over 90 million per year. In 2050 it will be about 9,2 billion.
I have no idea how many people can world hold and feed. The growth is faster in the developing countries.
Many scientists have huge difference between their estimates about how many can world feed and hold.
I remember that somebody from Neatherland sayed that little over 13 billion people could be feed.
For me this isn´t working becose for this result we must link our food product powers. This isn´t hapening becose food has always and always will be divided unequally.
3. january 2012, time: 21.00 pm
Births today: 317 600
Already 1043 215 borned this year.
Poem by Daegal:
Half The World
Half the world lives
Half the world makes
Half the world gives
While the other half takes